Sunday 18 November 2012

Team Hepburn

I want to try start posting every few day about what I have done throughout the week or weekend that has been towards my course or just being creative.
So even though it's now early hours Monday morning, this weekend I haven't really done anything major creative but I did watch 'Breakfast at Tiffany's' and I have to say I absolutely love Audrey Hepburn's face as strange as that may sound, so I had to collect some of my favorite photographs of her and sketch a portrait into my college book. I would of liked to have spent more time on sketching her but I got impatient and ended up rushing it towards the end which is never good but over all I was quite pleased with how it turned out.
Sketch book with the images and a quick illustration
I done trying to represent her fashion style.
Sketched portrait of Audrey Hepburn.
In the end I thought just sketching wasn't really enough so I ended up playing around with the original on Photoshop changing the lighting, contrast and adding filters to see what different styles I could create with the same image.

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