Sunday 11 November 2012

Introduction: Something New

A little about myself.
I am currently a college student at Liverpool Community College studying Graphic Design, I am about half way through my second year and undertaking my UCAS  application process to apply for higher education, if things go well I am hopping to get onto a Fashion Illustration or Fashion Graphics course at uni.

Fashion has always been a big part in my life, from when I was young I would watch my mother (who has the biggest variety of creative skills I have ever seen in another person) go through the process of pattern cutting and construction of a garment, I was always inspired by the amazing looking fabrics that would appear at my house and become created into a garment completely unique in itself. From viewing my mother creating endless amount of different styled garments for her ever eager friends, it taught me that not every one has the same taste in style, even within a close group of friends.
Unlike my mother who enjoys pattern cutting and sewing I have a more interest into the Illustration, Photography and Advertisement side to Fashion, but mostly the Illustration. The first time I found myself showing an interest in Fashion Illustration was while I was doing some research on artist when I stumbled upon a women named Nadia Flower. Her unique style, soft water colors and unusual designs amazed and ever since she has been my favorite Fashion Illustrator. Leading from Nadia I found verious other Illustrators that inspired me such as Laura Laine who uses photography with her Illustrations and the well know David Downton who has a more free and expressive style with using watercolors and inks.

Not only do I enjoy traditional art I also enjoy digital and currently experiment using Photoshop and a Graphic tablet. Unlike traditional I feel like digital gives a more realistic and sharp style which used right can create nice effects.

What I'm hopping for from creating this blog.
The reason for me creating this blog was purely to try a new way of storing my design work and personal opinions, to push my design work into more development and most of all to show in any upcoming uni interviews.
I'm hopping to include stuff such as, monthly reviews of Vogue since I'm subscribed and can state my opinions on here, development through my design work creating a sort of time line I can look back on, book reviews since I love to read and really just anything that may come in my life that would be interesting to talk about.

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