Sunday 27 January 2013

Photo Manipulation: Mannequin

Final of mannequin. 
Original image of the mannequin.

I started off by taking a photograph of a mannequin, then using PhotoShop I added an arm by using an image of a model and clipping round the arm and using the clone tool to blend the join. From this I took a Photograph of some fabric and used the liquify tool to create a sort of dress shape around the mannequins body and blended it together.

For the background I used images of a rock and duplicated it to create a rocky bank style from the water, and same done with a patch of grass to create the background meadow, then inserted a dusk sky and created a sun using the brush tool. Once the background was in place I used the dodge and burn tool to create highlights and shadows then changed each of the layers contrast so they blended with each other. I then created a reflection on the water by duplicating the sky and changing the opacity and adding a gradient then moving it in place to the water (same with rocks.)

Using the colour overlay brush I added make up to the mannequin and the changed the contrast of the layer so that it blended more and gave a more realistic style to it. Then using images of water splashing I added the splash to try create the feeling that the mannequin was coming from the water.

Finally I neatened any last bits off and used a butterfly brush tool to make the image more interesting, I then changed the contrast and brightness of the overall image to give a more dusk lighting and a clearer finish.

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