Sunday 3 November 2013

Cartoon Gaga

I'm actually really pleased with this :) all done on PhotoShop.
Orig image of Lady GaGa.

Hepburn PhotoShop painting.

Note: I did this awhile ago but forgot to upload it.

Using the sketch I did of Audrey Hepburn, I scanned it onto computer and added colour and shading using PhotoShop. I used a number of different layers for each section of the image, I also wanted to keep the sketchy style to the image.
Orig Sketch. 

Before adding background and final details.
Creating the background I scanned it a fabric swatch and changed the contrast/brightness, I also cut letters out from a magazine to create the typeface. 
Fabric swatch.


Wednesday 30 October 2013

Mad King Thorn, Pumpkin

Happy Halloween!!!
So I decided for my Halloween pumpkin to be based on the Mad King from computer game, Guild Wars 2. Enjoy!

What he orig look like.

Cartoon me.

Sunday 20 October 2013

Logo design...

Designed logo for friends website, Sketched then scanned onto PhotoShop. Typeface also altered on PhotoShop using smudge tool.

Friday 1 February 2013

Colouring and retouching old photographs

Using this old image of Mum and Dad, I coloured it on PhotoShop using quick selection tool to select individual sections, New adjustment layer set to Hue/Saturation to use the sliders that will add colour to the area and the eraser tool set to a low opacity to blend in any areas needed.  

I also removed scratches from the surface of the photograph using the clone tool to give a more clear image.

Before retouching to remove the scratches I made this version to demonstrate how vibrant you can get the colour from Black and White using the layers adjustments and also how easy it is to change a section to another colour.  

Sunday 27 January 2013

Photo Manipulation: Mannequin

Final of mannequin. 
Original image of the mannequin.

I started off by taking a photograph of a mannequin, then using PhotoShop I added an arm by using an image of a model and clipping round the arm and using the clone tool to blend the join. From this I took a Photograph of some fabric and used the liquify tool to create a sort of dress shape around the mannequins body and blended it together.

For the background I used images of a rock and duplicated it to create a rocky bank style from the water, and same done with a patch of grass to create the background meadow, then inserted a dusk sky and created a sun using the brush tool. Once the background was in place I used the dodge and burn tool to create highlights and shadows then changed each of the layers contrast so they blended with each other. I then created a reflection on the water by duplicating the sky and changing the opacity and adding a gradient then moving it in place to the water (same with rocks.)

Using the colour overlay brush I added make up to the mannequin and the changed the contrast of the layer so that it blended more and gave a more realistic style to it. Then using images of water splashing I added the splash to try create the feeling that the mannequin was coming from the water.

Finally I neatened any last bits off and used a butterfly brush tool to make the image more interesting, I then changed the contrast and brightness of the overall image to give a more dusk lighting and a clearer finish.

Tuesday 1 January 2013

College Assignment - Advertising for 3D Student

Product created by 3D Student that was handed to me to advertise.  
The latest assignment before the Christmas break in college was to advertise a product created by a 3D student in a number of different ways. The 3D student I was working with had designed a formal dining cutlery set made from stainless steel and wanted it to represent a diamond theme throughout the product.
Unfortunately due to different lesson times with the other student I only got to have one meeting with him (Did attempt a few emails as well) so I wasn't truly sure on what his aims and target market was but I knew they wanted this Diamond theme and it to be sort of a expensive and luxury feel to it, also I never had the actual product made for me so I couldn't use photography of it in use or different angels so I had to work around the computer generated image.
So I started thinking about the diamond theme and decided I wanted to go for a Jewelry style high end advertisement taking inspiration from the likes of Tiffany & c.o. I started looking at different types of jewelry boxes and eventually picked one that I thought suited best for the advertisement. I then tried different effects with it using photoshop such as changing the colour and stacking it to make multiple boxes using duplicate layers.
One of the original images I
took of the box

Arrangement and colour change of box using Photoshop.

Through my design development I wanted my advertisement to start to look formal and to have a sort of shinny texture to the background, I tried a number of methods to try create different effects in my earlier design development. Some changes I made was different placements of the product and props used in the advertisement as well as changing the product title and slogan. I used a continues typeface called Georgia because I had noticed it being used in fashion advertisement and jewelry advertisement I also used a logo created by another Graphic Design student that I was working with into my designs. 

Early Design- This was changed because I thought it wasn't clear on
what the product was.
Early Design- This was getting toward the final but I thought it looked to blank.
For my final design I kept elements from my design process such as the horizontal lines, Jewelry boxes, Product center of advertisement, Reflective surface, Ribbon texture. I just wished that I had more details on the product from the student so I could design a bit more in depth but overall was quite happy with the final.

Final design that can be displayed in a page spread of a magazine.

From my final I took elements and tried out a few other advertisement methods that I thought would be useful for the product. 

Flag flyer advertisement.
Web page banner.

Big Billboard.